Roasted Butternut Squash Soup

IMG_20180930_131521_219Summer days are hot and long and I am grabbing quick bites of fresh produce before I head back to the pool or meet up with friends to enjoy the comfortable summer evenings, long into the night. But there’s something about the fall season that pulls me back to the kitchen every year. Maybe it’s reappearance of football, or the creeping sunsets that set earlier each night drawing me inside to the warmth and light to get cozy and to be fed. I crave something I can savor slowly, something I can dip into and ladle out bottomless bowls of comfort, something like roasted butternut squash soup. 

This soup is creamy in all the good, cozy, give me another bowl, kind of ways. Using coconut milk instead of heavy cream to achieve thickness will leave you satisfied, not bloated and sleepy. This recipe finds its greatness not only in its whole, natural ingredients, but also in its simplicity. It doesn’t take much to create this roasted butternut squash soup – just five ingredients, six steps, and an unhurried evening. 

Here’s What You’ll Need:

  • 1 whole Butternut Squash
  • 1 can Coconut Milk
  • Salt to taste
  • 21 Seasoning Salute to taste
  • Your choice of toppings: Pomegranate arils, crumbled goat cheese, bacon, green onion, croutons, etc.


  1. Preheat oven to 375. While oven is preheating, cut butternut squash in half, length-wise. Drizzle with olive oil and sprinkle with salt. 
  2. Use your hands to rub in and evenly distribute the olive oil and sea salt. Place the butternut squash halves face-down onto a small baking sheet. Slide the baking sheet into the preheated oven and set a time for 40 minutes. 
  3. Remove squash from oven and allow to cool for about 10 minutes. Once cool, use a large spoon to scoop out the soft butternut squash flesh into a blender or food processor. Blend butternut squash until smooth. 
  4. Add in 1 can of full-fat coconut milk, salt to taste, and Trader Joe’s 21 Seasoning Salute (my favorite seasoning blend that includes garlic, oregano, onion powder, black pepper, celery seed, cayenne pepper, parsley, basil, rosemary, cumin, orange peel, and lemon oil). Blend again until smooth. 
  5. Pour mixture into a sauce pan and heat over low heat until warm. 
  6. The soup is ready to serve! Some of my favorite toppings include various combinations of homemade rosemary croutons, pomegranate arils, crumbled goat cheese, crispy bacon, and green onion to name a few. Be creative, take risks – I have yet to find a topping that didn’t pair well with this soup!



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