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Spiced Orange Cranberry Sauce

I love tart flavors. When I was a kid, I was the one asking for everyone’s lemons at the table so I could eat them. Yep, I was a weirdo, probably still am. If you’re weird like me, you will probably love this cranberry sauce recipe with a twist. When a Thanksgiving plate is weighed […]

Winter White Soup

Cooking with seasonal ingredients always adds an extra element of creativity in the kitchen. With the list of winter’s seasonal ingredients being rather short, this heightened opportunity for creativity led me to this new favorite. I wanted to make something using winter ingredients that would be both completely satisfying and cleansing. Comforting and healing, this […]

Harvest Salad

I have a love/hate relationship with salads. I love how all of the fresh flavors come together in one delicious bite. I hate that I’m starving two hours later! This salad has become the best of both worlds – hearty and fresh. The answer to all of your prayers for a satisfying winter salad has […]